I will apologize right from the start...we have been super busy with the holidays, basketball, and life. So here is my attempt to catch everyone back up in our lives and include lots of pictures of Abigail.
Basketball is in full swing now. We went to a home game this week. Abigail was very excited to see dad and was even willing to run across the court during the game to get to him....don't worry I did not let her. She LOVED to climb up and down the bleachers a million times and run around in the commons area. We didn't get to see much of the game, but it was a fun place to spend a few hours and end up with one tired little girl! We are looking forward to coming to the next game....GO WARRIORS!!!
Winter is upon us...I think we have gotten snow 3-5 days each week. Not much but enough to shovel and make the roads a mess. Since it has been really cold most days, we have not ventured out much. I am hoping it warms up a little soon so that we can get out and play in the snow. I know Koda will love that!!
Speaking of Koda - we have had a ROUGH month with him. We noticed a lump on the back of one of his front legs that got tore open and was bleeding all over. Took him to the vet and they wanted to remove it - which we 100% agree with. Well, since the surgery, we have been dealing with one thing after another. He is kind of down and depressed since he is not allowed to run or jump, he needs to have it wrapped and covered every day all day, he needs to take medicine twice a day, and just recently we found out it ripped open and got infected. So, needless to say, I have not only been a mom and wife, but a vet!! I feel so bad for him and I am just hoping that we get good news on Monday when we go back for a recheck! The lump was a benign mass which is great news.....now we just need our old, wild, maniac of a dog back.
A few weeks ago - Abigail had her first Christmas program at school. It was super cute to see all the kids singing and dancing to the music. The teachers deserve all the credit for this - it was super adorable. Abigail was a little stunned by all the people watching her, but she did good. Can't wait to see the program again next year when she is older!
Last Sunday we made our way to Wonewoc to celebrate Christmas with Matt's family. Abigail LOVED her gifts and was fun to see her get excited over the new toys. Some of the pictures are of her with her new toys. Tomorrow we are heading to Mishicot to celebrate with my family - so that will be fun!!
Well, I think that is about it. Below are pictures of our little nut.
If I don't post again before Christmas - I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Safe Travels and enjoy your time with family and friends!
Playing her xylophone from Aunt Jamie |
Sitting at her new table from G&G Lindsey and playing with her new dishes |
Sled ride in the house |
All dressed and ready for her Christmas program at school |
Relaxing in her new chair! |
Being silly! |
Making noises on her plate |
And this is what happens after you make those noises!!!
Being super silly!
Playing with her new kitchen from Uncle Adam & Aunt Jamie |
Busy! |
Checking it all out! |
My poor pup! |