Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 16, 2016

Weekend in Wonewoc

This past weekend we bundled up and braved the Wisconsin "spring" weather and headed down to Matt's hometown for a weekend of fun and relaxing.   Their town held "Old Fashion Days" so Abigail was all excited to go to the festival!
The weather was a balmy 37 degrees, but we pushed ahead and had a great time!   Jamie was able to join us for the entire weekend which was so wonderful.  Many exciting things for Abby to experience - so fun to see her take it all in!
We got to take a horse drawn wagon ride, buy a few new toys/items, go fishing for prizes, see some old cars and tractors, and watch a very fun parade that handed out so much candy!   A little lunch inside to warm up is always fun when Jamie gets to join us!  Of course it was awesome that we could stop in and visit Grandma and Papa at anytime during the day even though they were working the Lion's Club booth.  Abigail thought it was pretty neat that we could walk in the middle of the street (they closed down the road just for the day).   We ended Saturday with a yummy chicken dinner at the Legion Hall - a great (and warm) end to a fun day!
And in true fashion - Sunday was a very gorgeous day.  We were able to take a very nice (and long) walk down the bike trail.  The sun was shining and the geese were out.  Abigail was so excited to see all the cool nature things along our walk.  It was really neat for us to see her experience all these things and to see the wonder in her eyes!  Animal tracks, birds chirping, a muskrat, a butterfly that Jamie was able to hold, and of course the biggest excitement, Third Castle!   It is a huge rock formation off the path and Abigail thought it was just amazing!  
Overall, just a wonderful weekend with family and lots of relaxing!!!  We all needed the weekend away and can't wait to come down again soon! 
Below are some pics from the weekend - Thank you Jamie for taking all of these!!

Petting Sugar before she pulls us around town in the wagon!
My family, My heart, My everything (just missing the pups!)
A little walk down the trail
Look what Jamie found....not brave enough to touch it but still entranced by it!
Us girls....
My nut!
The little hat thief!
Pretzel Hat!!!


 Matt and I have seen how much enjoyment Abigail gets out of the different playground that she goes to so we figured what better time than now to build her one for herself!  Since Matt is super handy and we have wonderful family who would do anything for our little nut - we started planning!  Well you know the saying, Go Big or Go Home, that kind of came into play here.  We wanted to build something that would keep Abby entertained for years and something that would hold up to the craziness of her!
So, the weekend was set, purchases were made, and planning done - it was go time!  Matt, Abigail and I worked on the slide on Friday night before the big day.  Well, when we opened the box for the hardware for just the slide, we had a mild "What were we thinking!?!?!" moment.  It passed quickly and we built it with the help of our little helper Abigail!
Saturday started with everyone here and a very anxious little girl.  Both grandmas and I were able to keep her occupied and out of the guys' way while they were building.  The build was very smooth and even though the weather could have been better - it worked out great.  It is always fun to have the families over but even better when there is a swingset involved!
That night rolled around and Abigail was released to go and play!  She was so excited!!   I sure wish I would have had the guys install a counter at the top of the slide.....she went down it about 100 times as soon as we let her play.
The excitement has not worn off of the swing set yet.  She gets home from school each day and has to check on it.  We have played Mail Delivery, Pet Store, Grocery Store, Hide and Seek, Peter Pan and many other games out there.  We have a few more little things to add to the swing set - but overall, it was the best investment of time and money for her!
A huge shout-out to our families who came and worked on it.  Abigail is one lucky little girl to have such big-hearted guys in her family!  We could not have done it without you all!! Also, thanks to Adam for teaching Abigail how to 'stick' the landing at the end of slide!!!!
Well, here are some pics of the progress and the finished product!!
The hardware for the slide!!!  YIKES!
Occupying herself with the box to the slide while we build it!
Getting there.....
Abigail and her guys!!!   She is one loved little girl!
Grandma and Abigail
My little climber
The back view
the finished product
One happy little girl!!!

Spring 2016

The Spring of 2016 was a busy one for our family.
Matt and I ventured over to visit Andrew and Erin in Oregon and Abigail spent a few days at my parents place.  Overall both sides had a great time and enjoyed the "vacation" but we were happy to be back together again!
We have enjoyed being outside as much at the WI weather will allow.  After a weekend of 80 degrees, we had some battles to convince Abby that she can't wear summer dresses everyday - especially when the morning temperatures are in the 30's.  Poor kid just wants summer to get here!
Watson continues to do great in class.  Abigail is always excited to hear what he learned when we get home each week.  She continues to love to TRAIN him....melts my heart.  
With spring here and the snow gone, we have started the fun of weekend picnics in our backyard.  Abigail enjoys being outside so much and thinks it is great fun when we get to eat out there!   She has also enjoyed walking to Jimmy John's to get a sandwich, chips and water!  This kid makes me laugh!
Below are some pictures from the children's museum in Steven Point and some of the other happenings of our home!!
Fishing with Dad!
Playing Vet!
Building sentences
Sassy girl at Menards!
Setting the stage for one of her performances
Bike riding!
Pancakes with frosting and sprinkles.....sometimes you just have to give in and let them eat SUGAR!
Celebrating our friend Jeremy's birthday with some fancy cupcakes
A Jimmy John picnic lunch....and a very watchful Watson!