Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 24, 2016

October Fun!

I know October isn't done yet, but it has been a busy month so I wanted to quick post about it!

The very first weekend we were able to travel down to Portage to spend the weekend with Aunt Jamie!   Jamie and mom were able to spend a girls day together and catch a concert in the Dells.  Matt and Abby held down the apartment and played on the stairs!!!  That weekend we relaxed and played a ton in Jamie's apartment - the biggest hit was the stairs (she is on the second floor!).

Mid October we took the weekend to head down to Wonewoc to go to the Lion's Club Fall Festival.  The weather was again not the greatest but anytime down in that area is relaxing and fun!   Of course there were animals there again so that is where Abby gravitated towards!   We got to play on the playground at the school where Grandma works - Abby thought that was so much fun!   We even managed to take a few walks down the bike trail with the boys - Abby really loves to look around at nature and can't wait until we can walk all the way down to the "castle" (Third Castle). 

Other than those trips - we have been having fun at home.  Watson and Koda love it when Abigail rakes leaves.....it is a disaster but so much fun!!! 

Abigail is excelling at 4K - she is constantly coming home with new songs and nursery rhymes....too fun!  She is growing socially too which is neat to experience. 

Well, below are some pictures.....the next post will probably be our Halloween post....pumpkins, costume and such!  Enjoy!

Trying on her ear muffs from Papa!
A little coloring time with Koda!
Yep, another pony!
Loving the playground!
Getting a little help from dad
Working her way to the top!
A little project time at Grandma and Papa's house
The sleeping guys.....
No words to explain this one.....

Grampas Farm

This year we did our annual trip up to Grampa’s Farm.  We have been going here every year now and Abigail talks about it throughout the year.

This year we were able to have my parent’s join us – which they have been wanting to do since we started going.

The weather wasn’t the best…..windy and cool….but when you have an excited 4 year old, you just push through it.

The corn bins were once again a big hit.   She loves digging around and dumping the corn.  She got some assistance from dad and papa too – so that made it even more fun!   The animals were once again a huge hit – that girl has no fear!  She held a bunny and loved sharing her love with all of the animals (donkey, goats, pig, horse, cow, and ducks).    She rode the little pedal tractors again and was so proud of how fast she can go!!!  

This year she really enjoyed playing school in the little old school room that they had in the barn.  She was reading us all books and showing us places on the globe.  Ok, mainly she was showing us where Seattle was !!! 

Abigail conquered the hay bale tower too this year!   Other years she was a little hesitant, but this year she went all the way to the top and was having a great time!!!  Little things like this just show us how much she has grown and matured in one year!

We all took a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin.   We finished the day off with some yummy old fashioned donuts.

Overall another fun year at the farm – so nice we got to share it with my parents too!!

Below are some pictures from that day…..

Dominating the Tire/Rope Course
Getting a little help from Papa
The Corn Bins
Just Mom and Abigail !
Grandma and Abby with the pony
Loving on some ducks
Never afraid of the animals
Getting bigger each year
Ms Abigail - the teacher!
"Imagine crossing this in a covered wagon!"
Catching a ride on the wagon after picking out the pumpkin!
So proud that she made it to the TOP!
Checking them all out!
Some old fashioned donuts....and LOTS of sugar!