Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Silly Faces of Abigail

Just wanted to share with you the many silly faces of Abigail.  She is hilarious sometimes - it makes us laugh a lot!  All is good here with us - nothing new to report!  Hope all is well with you....enjoy the pictures!

Big Tongue....Little Girl!

Probably blowing "spit bubbles"

My little stinker!

I think she is excited over Koda walking by!

Of course she is watching Koda in this picture!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 Months Old!!

Abigail is now 2 months old - where did the time go?!?!?  She is turning out to be such a fun little girl - being parents is such a wonderful thing, I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!!!

Yesterday we took Abigail to her doctor appointment.  All is good, doctor is happy with how she is growing and developing.  Below are her stats:
     Height: 22.25 inches (48.25 percentile)
     Weight: 11 lb 11 oz (75.46 percentile)
     Head Circumference: 38.7 cm (51.79 percentile)

Overall, very average/normal sized little girl!  Doctor is very happy that she is eating well, holding her head up more and more, "talking" and following things with her eyes.  Of course since this was her two month checkup, she was due for 3 shots and an oral vaccine.  She did great with the oral vaccine and then came the shots - jeeze, that is a hard thing for parents to watch!   I didn't cry, but I sure could have.  Matt and I have NEVER heard her scream/cry that loud before!  Matt held her right after they were done and calmed her down - it didn't take long, but we sure felt bad for her.  We were unsure of how she would be after the shots  - she did great until about 1:30 pm and then she started crying very loudly and being very unsettled.  After a dose of Tylenol, she was back to her normal self - thank goodness.  Last night sleeping went about as normal as it has been - which was a nice surprise!

This morning, Abigail woke up full of smiles and noises!  I just love getting her out of her crib in the morning - makes my day great right from the start!!  So far she has been her normal self, smiling and talking!   I am very happy she didn't have much of a reaction to her shots!!

So here are some of the "highlights" of our little girl:
-She loves to sit up and look at things in the room or out the window
-She still feels the need to hold her own head up as much as possible, she is getting better at it every day
-She LOVES to watch Koda move around the house
-She loves to go for walks in her stroller at the park (or anywhere)
-She eats like a champion (takes after her mom!)
-She burps like a man (or her mom!)
-She sleeps great in her crib, only getting up once a night to eat and be changed (sleeps 5-6 hours at a time at night)
-She takes a bottle of breast milk without issue/concern
-Has rolled over during tummy time
-Loves to talk about anything and everything all the time
-Gets excited to see us when we come back into the room
-Loves to stick our her tongue

Matt and I have loved every second of being parents - we laugh so much with her!  She truly is such a joy in our lives and we really can't imagine life without her.

I have started back to work part time from home this week - it has worked out great so far.  I work while she sleeps and by doing this, I get to stay home with her for another 8 weeks!  I am thrilled about staying home as long as possible with her, so I was pretty much willing to do whatever it took!  Matt has been working like normal at school and doing some work in the basement at night.  I think he is looking forward to his leave when he can spend the days with Abigail and get a break from teaching for a few weeks.  I must say that our Abigail Rory is one lucky little girl to have her parents home with her for such a long time - we love the opportunity too!

So, to finish off this post, here are some pictures I took today (2 months old) of our sweet little girl.  Hope you all have a great rest of the week!!

Almost a smile....


Being Sassy!

Getting excited!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The weekend is over....

Here it is, Sunday afternoon and the weekend is winding down.  We had such a great, low key weekend - no company and we stayed in town.  It was nice to not have to be somewhere or do something.

Matt worked in the basement, I got some things done upstairs, and we did some more planning for the basement project.  We went to church and headed over to a friends house for dinner on Saturday.  The weather was super rainy all weekend, so it was the perfect time to stay in and relax a little.

Abigail has enjoyed our relaxed weekend too - she took a nap on the couch during the Badger game and has slept great both nights.

Next week will be a change for our house - I start working part time from home this week.  I am hoping it goes good, I plan on working while she is napping and will fit in work around her schedule.  I am lucky to be able to do this arrangement, but a little sad that I am going to be back working again - I have loved not thinking about it for the past 8 weeks!

Abigail goes for her 2 month checkup on Tuesday, so I will post her updates after that.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and until the next post.....here is our baby girl!

So big already!!!

All smiles in her pumpkin bib!

Snoozing on the couch

Monday, October 8, 2012


This past Saturday (10/6), our little Abigail Rory was baptized!   It was a crazy busy day, but super special.

She looked beautiful in her all lace gown from my parents and her pink knit booties from Sheryl and Gary Turner - only my daughter would were funky footwear for a special occasion (I wore blue shoes to my wedding!).  She looked absolutely gorgeous!!  She did great in church and only woke up when the priest poured water on her head - no screaming or anything!!  Lots of family and friends came to share in the special day with us - which means a lot to us.

It was great to see and visit with everyone too.  We enjoyed spending time with all and had a great time seeing everyone's children (Kelly and Scott)- funny how a little over a year ago we were having a beer and wine party and now we are excited to see our children all together, see how big everyone has gotten and to hear about what they can all do!  Guess that means we are all growing up!

One great thing was that both Matt and my families were all together - every member of each family, which doesn't happen much - at least not in my family.  Scott, Sarah and Grace joined us and well as Andrew and his girlfriend - long drives for both, but so fun to see them!!  We appreciate them making the drive!

Matt and I are both very honored to have such special people be Abigail's godparents.  It means the world to us and we are so glad that Abigail has such great people in her life.  My cousin Kelly and Matt's brother Adam are the godparents to our little girl.  Thank you to both of you - words can not express our gratitude to you for playing this important role in our daughter's life.

The weekend was busy and fun - but it is always nice to get back to normal.  Matt and I were both exhausted on Sunday afternoon, but are super excited for our upcoming weekend of.........wait for it,.......wait for it......NOTHING!   We are staying home and as we joked "locking the doors so no one can come in!"  We are ready for a weekend of just us and spending time as our little family.  Don't get me wrong, we love all the company, but like all good things, we need a break.  If you know anything about Matt and I, you will know that we will probably work in the basement and get lots of stuff done - but that is just how we roll!

Now for updates on Abigail, she is now 7 weeks old and growing fast.  She smiles lots now, more so in the morning though.  It is such a great feeling to see that smiling face in the morning - Love her to pieces!  She is taking a bottle of breast milk like a champ and Matt has really enjoyed feeding her.  Both grandmas have been able to feed her as well - which is really special.  Not sure if it is a fluke or what, but Abigail has rolled over during tummy time a few times from her tummy to her back.  Another first that happened this weekend was that she sat in her Bumbo seat for a few minutes - we know she is young, but she did great and loves to be upright so it was great.  She still loves baths and splashing around with her feet.  Her hair is still there and we think it is getting longer and thicker - it sure gets messy and wild after a bath - all over and curly!

Now onto the pictures from the baptism - enjoy and have a great week everyone!

Just us and our little girl


My entire family!!!

Matt's entire family!