Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Changing every minute

Abigail is growing so fast and changing quickly...seems like every minute she is bigger or doing something new.  She is now grabbing for toys/things and loves to bring them to her mouth to lick/suck them.  She really has enjoyed her toys and has loved to play with some plastic chip clips that I let her look at once.  Abby will sit in her Bumbo seat for quite a long time now and play and look at her toys.  She continues to laugh and smile each and every day.

This week I started back to work 1/2 time in the office and Matt is home with Abigail.  It has gone great so far, kind of bittersweet for me to be back at work.  Abigail and Matt have enjoyed their time together and it is sure great to come home to see my little girl after being away for a few hours.

Abigail went to her first basketball game last night, she did great and LOVED to watch the players and ball!  She didn't mind the whistles or the buzzer which was great.  She even was doing some loud 'talking' so maybe she will be a coach someday too!?!?!  She stayed away until the 4th quarter so that was pretty good for her.  She slept great last night so it must have tired her out!

Here are some new pictures of our little girl....enjoy and take care!

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