Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Abigail's 9 Month Stats

I took Abigail to her 9-month well visit on Tuesday - super nice appointment since there are no shots!  Abigail did great, smiled lots for the nurse and Dr. Susan!!!  The doctor said she looks great and that we are doing a good job.  We can introduce more table foods and continue what we are doing.  Nice to know that we have a healthy little girl.

Below are her stats - guess she isn't so little after all!!

Height - 28.5 inches - 80.34%
Weight - 21.8 pounds - 88.42%
Head Circumference - 45.9 cm - 92.64% (lots of brains in there!!)

Well, off to finish the night and week.  Hope you all have a great rest of the week and a great Memorial Day weekend!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

9 Months Old

9 months has gone by so fast - Abigail is no longer that little baby we welcomed into our family, but a crazy, sassy, fun and nutty little girl.

We go to her 9-month doctor checkup on Tuesday - so I will have all her new stats then.  This visit will be nice since there are no shots involved!!!

Abigail has started to be an independent little girl - not sure I was ready for that this early!  She has a major issue if we try to feed her from a spoon - she wants to do it HERSELF!!!  We have struggled with this during the past week or so, but we are slowly making a compromise.  I want her to be independent, but it could have waited a few years!!!  Oh well, this just makes mealtime more fun .... and more messy!

Well, here are some early morning pictures of my girl in her PJs.  The crazy hair is now something that I will stop fighting - it will do its own thing no matter how much I try to change it!!

Have a great Friday and a great weekend!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Outside Pictures

The weather has been pretty nice lately here so we have been enjoying as much time outdoors as possible.  We have been taking long walks at the park, going to softball games, swinging in the backyard and just spending time outside.  Abigail sure loves it and it makes for one tired little girl by bedtime!

All is going well in our house - school is starting to come to a close for the year, my work is getting to a more manageable level, and Abigail keeps growing.  She now has 2 teeth and is loving feeding herself!!!  In less than one week, she will be 9 months old - crazy!!!

I know it is a day early, but we wanted to wish all the moms, grandmas, aunts, godmothers, and all other amazing women a very Happy Mother's Day!  This being my first mother's day - it is a very special one!  I am blessed to have my amazing little girl and love the "job" of being a mom!!  Hope you all have a great day today - you deserve it.....this being a mom thing is a lot of work - but so worth it!

Here are some outside pictures from the past week or so.  Enjoy!!

She LOVES her swing!

Happy Girl

Wearing her sun hat at Grandma and Grandpas!

Laughing at Koda....as usual!

My Love!