Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Abigail's 9 Month Stats

I took Abigail to her 9-month well visit on Tuesday - super nice appointment since there are no shots!  Abigail did great, smiled lots for the nurse and Dr. Susan!!!  The doctor said she looks great and that we are doing a good job.  We can introduce more table foods and continue what we are doing.  Nice to know that we have a healthy little girl.

Below are her stats - guess she isn't so little after all!!

Height - 28.5 inches - 80.34%
Weight - 21.8 pounds - 88.42%
Head Circumference - 45.9 cm - 92.64% (lots of brains in there!!)

Well, off to finish the night and week.  Hope you all have a great rest of the week and a great Memorial Day weekend!!!

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