I wanted to do this last year, but got busy and forgot. Since today is the first day of the new basketball season, I wanted to document what Abigail does today and then on the last day of the season, I will put another post out there to document how much she has changed and learned. Should be fun...also kind of sad for Matt since he will be so busy during this time and missing all the fun with our little nut.
I am looking forward to taking Abigail to the games....sure will be a change from last year when she fell asleep in my arms!! Not sure if I will spend more time watching the games or running after Abigail!!! Either way it will be a fun adventure for her and I....and a good way to see dad on nights that he won't get home until after bedtime!
So, Abigail is talking and running all over the place. We have had a rough few weeks with her battling a sinus infection and a stomach bug. Crossing my fingers but she seems to be doing better!
This past weekend we went to Minneapolis to see the Brad Paisley concert. My dad stayed in the hotel while my mom, Matt and I went to the show. Abigail had a blast with grandpa and the three of us had an amazing time at the outstanding show.
Here is a quick summary of what Abigail is into and doing right now:
-Loves to sit in her chair, bounce her legs, and read a book
-Loves her dog Koda and stuffed dogs
-Likes to hide things under a small blanket, find them, giggle and do it over again and again
-LOVES to play hide and seek all over the house
-LOVES to carry around a clip board and a pen while watching college basketball on TV. She sometimes stops in front of the TV, taps the pen on the clip board and yells at the TV.
-Understands when we tell her to put Koda in his kennel, time for dinner, time to go outside, time to change diaper....she will go to the specific room and wait.
-Loves to pick up our shoes that we leave in the living room and bring them to us.
Well, here are some recent pictures...sure will be fun to see how much she has grown between now and March!
Running away from me...like always |
Super cute! |
Hey Dad...Are you in there? |
Funny face...cute pigtails! |
Enjoying some DAD TIME |
These 2 will sure miss dad! |
Concentrating! |
Busy! |