Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Update and Pictures

Ok, I am sorry about not posting recently, but we have been busy living life and enjoying our crazy nut.  Abigail is learning so much so fast now.  She knows her belly and toes and we are introducing her to more each day.  She is talking more each day...she says hi, bye, done, this, yes, eyes, and some others.  She tries to mimic everything we do, so that is just hilarious sometimes.  Abby loves to bring things to others and even understands when we ask her to bring specific items.  She loves music and the Ellen show....she claps lots during it amd dances when Ellen does!!

Swimming is over for now but we will sign up for another class this winter.

Well here are a ton of pictures from the past weeks.

Our little bumblebee

Bzzzing around like a maniac

Here mom....just what you wanted


Peek A Boo

Relaxing in her life jacket

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