Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The end of the basketball season. ..

Well as of Friday night,  the basketball season for Wausau West girls is over.  Abigail sure loved the games, the hallways, the bleachers,  the change of scenery.   I will miss the games a little too since those were a change to our nightly routine and helped tired out my crazy nut.

Well since the season started til now,  Abby has grown up a lot.  She is her own little person now who has strong opinions and a sense of humor.   She is always busy and talking tons.

She loves to put her own shoes on, play in the hallway with her stuffed dogs, throw toys for Koda,  help me with dishes and chores around the house.  She is so fun to be around and makes me look at things in a different light.

Here are some recent pictures of Abigail....Enjoy!
Loving all the toys at grandma and grandpa's house

Abby and grandpa....she loves him so much!

As you can see..she picks out her own shoes sometimes too!

Winter of 2013-2014

Since this blog is like a memory book for Abigail as she grows up, I thought I would take some time to write about this crazy winter that we have been having.  It is not a fun thing to write about but maybe in a few years it will be fun to look back and read about what we went through.

So, the winter of 2013 - 2014 has been one for the record books.  As of March 3rd 2014 - we have broken a record for the number of days below 0 degrees...we are at 57.  The original record was set back in the winter of 1917-1918!  The winter has been so frigid in the state of Wisconsin that water pipes are freezing all over!!  Luckily, we have not had any issues like that to deal with in our home. 

The snow has been around since before Thanksgiving and as of today, the snow piles are higher than my chest.  We did have a few days of it being close to 32 degress, so there are now layers of ice in the snow.  Koda can walk around on the top of the snow in most places....but if he falls through....it is deeper than he is tall!

Since the weather has been so cold and snowy - we have not been able to be outside much at all.  Those few days that were a little warmer, Abigail loved to be pulled around in her sled and Koda loved to walk along.  We have been stuck inside for far too long....it is wearing on us all.  Abigail and Koda seem to get "sick" of the stuff that we have in the house and both of them are begging to go outside. 

We have taken full advantage of our finished basement this winter.  Many nights we go down there and run around in her little car, push her duck toy around from Uncle Erv & Aunt Jan, play with all her zoo animals, or just be goofy with the tunnel.  I have to admit that I am running out of stuff to do with both Koda and Abigail....but we make do!  We just keep hoping that spring is on its way and we keep dreaming of all the fun we will have playing outside!

A couple other updates on Abigail....she has been a busy and changing girl!
She talks ALL THE TIME now....fun but wow, that is a lot to listen to!
Abby says a couple small sentences now too!
-Cheese Please
-KoKo (her name for Koda) Sit
-Mama Sit....when she wants me to sit
-Mama Book....when she wants me to read to her
-Pretty Please....when she really wants something
-KoKo No.....when he is bothering her
There are more but I can't see to remember them at this moment.