Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The end of the basketball season. ..

Well as of Friday night,  the basketball season for Wausau West girls is over.  Abigail sure loved the games, the hallways, the bleachers,  the change of scenery.   I will miss the games a little too since those were a change to our nightly routine and helped tired out my crazy nut.

Well since the season started til now,  Abby has grown up a lot.  She is her own little person now who has strong opinions and a sense of humor.   She is always busy and talking tons.

She loves to put her own shoes on, play in the hallway with her stuffed dogs, throw toys for Koda,  help me with dishes and chores around the house.  She is so fun to be around and makes me look at things in a different light.

Here are some recent pictures of Abigail....Enjoy!
Loving all the toys at grandma and grandpa's house

Abby and grandpa....she loves him so much!

As you can see..she picks out her own shoes sometimes too!

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