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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

This past weekend, Matt's entire family was up to visit.  Nice to have everyone together and even better with the nice weather.  We were outside almost the entire weekend - it was wonderful.   Adam made an amazing meal on Saturday night - ribs, mac n' cheese...YUMMY!   Overall, it was a nice weekend and I had a great Mother's Day!

Hope all the moms out there had a great day - you all deserve it!!

Jamie, Abigail, and Me

Grandma and Grandpa Lindsey with Miss Abby

Family on Mother's Day

Just a quick stroll to get the mail

Just a quick bike ride in PJs


Mama - Push!


Slide Fun

All Smiles

Picking up leaves

Busy Girl

Enjoying being outside

Sassy Girl

Mowing the lawn

My Love...with Snuggles!

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