I know it has been over a month since I last posted....but that just goes to show how busy our family has been! We have really been enjoying our little girl....she is such a crazy nut and so much fun!
So, here is a quick recap of the past month....
-we celebrated her 2nd birthday with my parents the week after her birthday and her actual birthday was spent with just our little family. She thoroughly enjoyed her gift....sure was nice to see the joy in her face as she opened them all up.
-We started back at swimming lessons and she is LOVING them! She wants to jump off the side of the pool and splash a lot. She is getting the hang of kicking and using her arms....such makes a fun night for her and I!
-School is back and in full swing. Matt is adjusting very well to being at Mosinee. Things are different but he seems more relaxed and enjoys the classes that he is teaching.
-We pulled off a surprise retirement party for my dad - everyone had a great time!
-We purchased another new car...another Toyota Camry....just like Matt's but white and it is for me. I LOVE it so far!!
-This past weekend we went to Grampa's Farm in Merrill, the same place we went last year. It was 70+ degrees on Saturday when we went so it was gorgeous to be outside! Abigail didn't know which animals to go to first....she was so excited to pet the goats, donkey, chickens, horse, ducks, rabbits, etc. She had a great day....Matt and I also enjoyed ourselves and seeing our daughter experience everything!
Couple fun and crazy things that she has been up to that I need to write down:
-Abigail likes to bring home "rocks" from her school's playground. It is only pea gravel, but she fills her pockets or her diaper with it and is so darn proud of herself! Crazy kid!
-She loves to "write" our grocery list while we tell her the items.
-Loves to jump....not just on the ground, she loves to jump on the bed and the couches!!
--I know there are a ton more things that she does that makes us laugh and shake our heads, but of course, right now I can't think of anymore!!!
Well, since it has been over a month - below are a TON of pictures!!
Enjoy and I will do my best to post again soon!
Playing play-doh |
Heading to the farm.... |
So excited! |
Checking out the goats |
Abby's new friends |
I am holding a bunny....by the neck! Don't worry, Mom helped me! |
So tall! |
All ready for class...in the old school |
Helping mom hold a chick |
Tractor ride! |
Busy in the corn-box! |
Playing on the tire obstacle course....LOVING IT! |
Pure Joy! |
This was a hard decision for this little girl/hoarder! |
I think I like the green one! |
Discussing how big of a decision pumpkin picking is! |
Daddy finds the perfect one....and it is NOT green! |
Heavy....but I help! |
Family picture on the hayride! |
Writing a grocery list! |
Picking a pumpkin |
I just love this little girl! |
Riding on the wagon to pick out a pumpkin |
Playing in the corn! |
Riding!!! |
Daredevil! |
Bouncing on Charlie! |
Sitting in Dad's classroom |
The morning of her birthday! |
Loving her gifts even before they are open! |
Crazy Kid! |
Just had to share this...sweet! |
Playing with her water table from G&G Lindsey |
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