Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2016


Yesterday whIle Matt was gone to a Brewer's game, Abigail and I along with Matt's mom took the time to go and visit Kathy's parents.  Grandma and Grandpa Kretche have a massive garden so we were able to pick tomatoes!    I will admit that Abby is a bit of a city kid so getting to walk around a muddy garden and pick tomatoes was quite the adventure!    She was a little hesitant at first but then totally got into it!  She learned how fun it is to throw the yucky tomatoes out to the next door pasture!  It was truly wonderful to see the happiness on grandma and grandpas faces as they watched Abby! 

Once we picked buckets of tomatoes,  we went inside to wash up and get our fill of cheese popcorn!   As we all snacked we got to visit and catch up.  It was so fun to visit and see Abby interact with her great grandparents!    

In the end, such a fun time that Abby will be sure to talk about for a very long time!

Thanks for letting us come over Grandma and Grandpa!  So much fun and lots of laughs....and the best cheese popcorn around!  Say Hi to Ned too!

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