Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First Day of 4K

On September 1st,  Abigail started 4k through the Wausau School District at the downtown YMCA.    Her teacher is Ms Jordyn and she goes in the afternoons.  

Her first day was a little cautious at first but when I went to pick her up, her teacher was happy to report that she loved it and talked non-stop!  She even had to tell her teacher about the frogs at grandma and papa's house! 

In the mornings she is with a smaller set of kids and is flourishing!    She has really adjusted to school very well, we are very proud!   It is amazing to see how much she has learned in just a few days!

We are looking forward to see what this school year brings for our little girl!  So many opportunities await her!

Here are her 1st day pics!

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