Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The rest of October

We have been enjoying life lately.   The weather is getting cold and the snowflakes have started to fly.   The leaves are falling fast so Abigail has been helping us take care of the yard.   She is a pretty good helper and likes to keep telling us that we are doing a good job and to keep working.

Pumpkin carving went smooth this year and Matt enjoyed carving his own pumpkin!   Abigail was brave enough to pull the guts out of the pumpkin this year! 

For trick or treating Abigail asked to be a witch.    She was super excited with a costume that we found in the store......so win for this mom!    We will head out for some trick or treating on Halloween so that will make the week fun.  

Nothing much else so enjoy the pics!

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