Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 20, 2012

5 Weeks Old

Seems like I have been doing a weekly post, so I will continue with that!

Tomorrow marks 5 weeks since Abigail was born - 5 weeks since I became a mom - and 5 weeks since our lives have been forever changed.

This past week Abigail has interacted more and more - it is so much fun to watch her!!  She loves to look at toys, her crib soother, Matt and I, and her favorite thing to watch is KODA!!!   She whips her head around to look at him when she hears him coming or enter the room - it is quite cute.  Guess she is my daughter - she LOVES dogs!!  We are getting really close to a smile, but to be honest, I think she smiled at Koda once already yesterday - go figure!!  I know it will come with time and I should not rush it, but I am looking forward to when she smiles at me.  That girl melts my heart now and a smile from her will melt it even more!

This week has been rather nice - Matt is gone to work and Abigail, Koda and I are at home.  We have started to work on some Christmas gifts (handmade), clean up around the house, relaxed, and taken long walks to enjoy the fall weather that we have received.  We manage to squeeze in playtime each and every day along with plenty of snuggle time too!!

Last weekend we had a great visit with Matt's family and Abigail got to meet her great grandparents (Kathy's mom and dad).  They were thrilled to meet her and it was great to share her with them.  Visiting family is always great and it is even greater to see the joy and happiness that our daughter brings to others.

This weekend my parents will be in town to attend a wedding - so they get to spend more time with Abigail. Not sure what else is planned, but it will be nice to visit and spend time with them again.

Well, here are some pictures of our cute little girl.  Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Ready for a walk with hat that Gaile made!! So cute!

All bundled and ready to head out on a walk to the park!

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