Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Tomorrow, Abigail will be 6 weeks old!  This week has been pretty "normal" for us - which is nice.  Matt has been busy with school and all that comes with it and I have been taking care of things at home, prepping for the upcoming Baptism dinner, and taking care of Abigail.

Matt has started to put the doors in the basement - they look amazing!  I guess the next step is to order furniture for the family room so that we can get a paint color picked out and on the walls before the flooring goes in!  Step by step, we will get it done.

This coming weekend Jamie is coming up to visit - we can't wait.  It will be nice to have her visit, spend time with Abby, and hopefully her and I can squeeze in a pedicure.  My parents will be coming into town, but then will be leaving as they are heading down to the Dells for a concert - it is nice that they are stopping to see Abigail and visit a little.

As for changes/growth in Abigail, she has started smiling now.  She had a few random smiles a while ago, but now these smiles are more frequent and directed at us - such a great feeling to see her smile back at us.  She still is talking all the time and getting the hang of sleeping more at night.  She LOVES to be held, so if I want to get lots done in a day, I end of putting her in the front carrier and going about my business.  The carrier does hurt my back after a while and makes bending down hard, but it is all worth it.  We are going to introduce a bottle of breast milk soon, keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well.  It will be nice to be able to have the option to bottle feed her if needed and since she has the breastfeeding thing down like a pro, we feel it is safe to introduce a bottle.

Here are some pictures from this past week - enjoy and have a great weekend!!

Tummy Time!

Cute butt!!

Snoozing on the couch

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