Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

3 Months Old

Sorry I am a few days late on this, but our little girl is 3 months old already!  Abigail is such a fun little girl right now, laughing, "talking", and interacting with us.  She continues to laugh only at Koda or my parent's dogs - so I guess we have a dog lover on our hands....go figure!! 

I will post more later this week, but wanted to get some quick pictures up of our little girl.  Abigail and I are enjoying the week at my parents right now since I start back to work soon - we are both enjoying our time here, especially Abigail!

Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday week before Thanksgiving!

Grandpa and Abigail - she is such a "grandpa's girl"

Snoozing with Grandma!

Beautiful Eyes...and of course a tongue!

So cute and getting SO BIG!

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