Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 17, 2013

6 Months Old

Abigail is now 6 months old - crazy!  She is such a fun kid right now - she is rather hyper and wild, but I love it!  She LOVES to play with toys and Koda.  She laughs and giggles a lot and smiles even more.  Crazy how much she has changed in 6 months - I love her more and more each day!

The weekend was another good one - my parents came up, went to Ian's 1st Birthday party and had Abigail's 6 month pictures taken.  Abby did great at her pictures and it was very hard to choose which ones to order.  Ian was so darn cute at his party and of course, I taught him how to smash cake.  Yes, payback will be coming from Aunt Kelly in August when she teaches Abby how to smash cake - but it is all in good fun.  It is crazy to think that Ian is 1 and in 6 months I will be hosting a party for my little girl!  Time sure flies, but it is an awesome ride!

Here are some recent photos of my crazy little girl.  I just LOVE the ones of her in the Badger outfit!

Checking out my shiny shoes!

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