Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring is FINALLY here!!!

Wow, what a difference one week makes - the weather on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was amazing!!  It was welcomed by everyone in our house - Koda loved the time outside, Matt hit the golf course both Saturday and Sunday, I got all the windows washed and hung out loads of laundry, and Abigail got to spend time in her swing!!  She LOVES it!!!

Abby and I had a great visit with Aunt Kelly, Caitlyn, Ian, and Aunt Jan and Uncle Erv.  The kids are all getting so big so fast!!!

It was also a fun weekend for Miss Abigail and her obsession with dogs....we watched Korky, Beaker and Sparky so that my parents and Tom could go and visit Andrew in LaCrosse!  Abigail was a busy girl watching all her puppies!!

Below are some pictures from this weekend....have a great week everyone!!

One tired girl after being outside on Saturday!!

Just Abby and her buddy Beaker!

Playing in the walker - Thanks Aunt Jan for letting me borrow it!

The first time she kept her sunglasses on!

Abigail's Crab Sandbox

Happy Girl

Our kids outside

Daddy and his little girl.....with SHADES!!

Love this little girl!!

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