Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 22, 2013

Still No Spring Weather!!

I would have thought by this point in April, I would have been posting pictures of Abigail outside, on walks, in the swing, and other outdoor activities.  I guess Mother Nature is against that idea!!!  We have been keeping busy in the house with all her toys and making up new games as the winter weather drags on!

Matt and I are thinking that she is getting another tooth (or teeth) since she gets a little fussy at times and her mouth seems to be the source of the fussiness.  We really can't complain about her fussy times since she is generally a very happy little girl.  She loves to stay busy and active, which makes for a tired mom by the end of the day!

Hope all of you are doing well and that the weatherman is correct in saying Sunny and 60 degrees by Saturday!!!   Matt is going to hang up her swing later this week outside so hopefully I can share some pictures next week!!

What Mom?  Koda dumped the toys out...not me!!

My Sleeping Beauty

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