As I stated 1 year ago, I was going to try to keep this blog not only as a place to keep people updated on our nut, but also as a memory place for Abigail to maybe look back at one day. So, in staying true to my word, below is my letter to my little girl on her second birthday…..
Dear Abigail Rory – today you turn 2!!! Hard to believe, yet very real! I will admit right from the start, your dad and I agree that this past year was more challenging than your first year of life, but we have enjoyed it. As I reflect back on these past 365 days, I wanted you to know how much we love you and cherish every moment with you.
First and foremost, this year we have learned that you are tenacious and determined. You are one of the most independent people I know. I’m sure I will pay dearly for this at some point later. You know what you want and will demand it until you get it. Even if it takes a little foot stomping, pouting, screaming, tears, or flailing on the ground. No, of course, you don’t always win; sometimes I even get to be the mom and win! Some call you “spirited” and by golly, you are! I love the fact that you are so determined, but I am still working on how to best handle this strong trait of yours!
And speaking of you being two, you are a classic one. We have been working through the tantrums, the independence, and the frustration. Those 3 things have made the past few months trying and hard, but they shall pass and be just a distant memory before I know it.
Your heart holds a special place for animals and that has only been more pronounced this past year. You know the names and sounds of so many animals…we are still working on what a goat really says, but regardless, you make me laugh every time you say it! (You say Goat!, Goat!, Goat! with a fist pump into the air!) Your compassion for dogs/puppies is just amazing. I don’t think you have met a dog that you didn’t fall in love with. The barks of dogs do not deter you and you are always there to provide a loving (and sometimes strangling) hug to the canines you meet. Koda continues to be your best friend which just melts my heart – you two play crazy chase and keep-away games together and you are his supplier of bubbles. Someday soon, you two will be in trouble and I won’t know who to blame!
You also love animals of the stuffed variety too and even though I swore I would never let you have a million stuffed animals, I gave that up long ago. You pretty much always have one with you at all times and if it isn’t a stuffed animal, it is your beloved Snuggles! In all honesty, you need a stuffed animal intervention!!
Music is still a very important piece in your daily life. Yes I am sure it is partially due to me constantly having music on in the house and car and backyard! When you hear a song come on that you like, you declare “DANCE!” and we spontaneously bust a move! When you do this, your face lights up with happiness which makes me so incredibly happy! Won’t be long now Abs and we can experience a concert together and bust a move listening to live music….can’t wait!
Your language development has been astounding. Each day you amaze us with some new word or phrase. Your passion for books and reading is evidently helping! You sometimes repeat things that amaze me and hold entire conversations with me, even though I don’t always understand what you are saying. Your first full multiple word sentence still astounds me since you were quite young at the time……”Can puppies come out now?” were the words you spoke one night at dinner. You wanted Koda and Beaker out of their kennels and all the people at the table were shocked that you said all those words in context. You are one smart bugger!!
Still, once a day, you are still my baby. I rock you to sleep – a habit I tried to get out of – but couldn’t….partially because you need me to, and because I enjoy it. Not only is it usually the first time I can sit down in the evening, but it is a time that I can talk to you, read to you, “sing” to you, and just look at you. Your body scrunches into my lab, your breaths becoming slower as you fall asleep. I breathe in the sweet smell of your hair and vow never to forget these precious moments.
You go crazy for “treats”, cookies, cake, ice cream….mostly sweets (yet another trait that is not from me!) We can’t even say the word “cookie” out loud or else you’ll beg for one or open the freezer to grab your own!!
Your favorite book is Goodnight Moon. We read it together every night!
One of your favorite things to do (both inside and outside) is to play with water and buckets/cups. You are a total disaster with it, but you love it!
You enjoy watching short bits of TV and have mastered turning the TV off using the remote. I am still waiting for the day that we can enjoy the works Disney together (besides Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…Oh Toodles!)!
You love grapes and have issues if we buy them and don’t let you have them in the store!
Slides and hide-and-seek are fun things that you enjoy doing when outside.
Stickers provide you with endless entertainment. You stick them on you, on Koda, on your toys….everywhere! Sometimes I am even lucky enough to be given a sticker from you!
Chapstick is another thing that you love for some strange reason. It is amazing how one little tube of lip balm can keep you busy for a very long time!
Your school brought in baby pigs and you fell in love….I still hear about the piggies at school!
You have become my little helper…you set the table with the silverware every night for dinner and you love to put stuff in the garbage when we ask. You love to follow different tasks around the house and are always willing to give a high-five when you accomplish them.
You dislike your car seat and being in the car. I am hoping you grow out of this issue soon, but we are making the best of the situation as we can.
I will admit that you are a bit of a hoarder, but maybe you will grow out of it or I might have to get you some help. You love to collect random things and put them in piles all over the house or stuff things all together into a bag or tote. The teachers at your school have experienced first-hand that you attach your compassion to random things and have a hard time parting with them….the other day was a bar of soap, one day was an instant hand warmer, another day was a tape measure!
I hope I can always help guide you in the right direction. I hope I allow you enough freedom to make your own decisions. This next year is going to be full of learning and experiencing life – as your mom, I promise to show and teach you all that I can. Yes, we may struggle and some nights I will want to cry and run away from the madness in our house – but know, deep down, I love you with everything that I have and am. Abigail, you are becoming an amazing little girl that continues to teach me things every day. The future is nothing but bright for you and I am so privileged to be able to join you in this journey!
I have loved every single second of watching you learn and explore and grow. I savor your giggles and tickling your quickly disappearing baby thighs. You are growing so fast and part of that makes me sad, but mostly it makes me excited for what the next adventure will be and the experiences that are ahead!
Watching the joy you have brought to your grandmas (gammas), grandpas (papas), aunts and uncles has been so rewarding too! You are SO incredibly loved by so many people!
I can already see traces of the woman you will eventually become, and I can tell you that you are going to be a force to be reckoned with. I have no doubts that you will conquer every obstacle in your future.
Continue being this intelligent, independent and sassy little nut and I have no doubt you will grow with the strength to move mountains!
You are wonderful. You are amazing. You are gorgeous. You are you!
Love always,