Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 11, 2014

Wonewoc Birthday Celebration

This past weekend we traveled down to Matt's parents house for a weekend visit and to celebrate Abigail's birthday.   It was nice to visit with everyone and do some much needed relaxing.  

Abigail is a very lucky girl to be part of this fun family.   We had a birthday gathering on Friday night....the food was great and the cake was adorable.   Abby had a good time and enjoyed her gifts from everyone.   I have to say that I think we will be putting on many miles on the wagon from aunt Jamie!

Thank you again for a great weekend! Abigail has been busy with her new toys ever since we got home!

Below are a ton of pictures from the weekend....they are a little out of order but still cute.  Enjoy!

Caution: there will be more birthday posts coming in the next few weeks since we are celebrating over the next few weekends.   Abigail is one spoiled girl!

Busy Playing with her new toy!!

Sassy smile!

Sunday afternoon naptime for all!

Playing with Matt's Parents Neighbor's dog...Henry!   Abby LOVED him!

Playing in her castle with some cars!

Like Puppy like Daughter!

Too much the same sometimes!

Loving Gabe

A little bball with Uncle A!

Slam Dunk!

Star player in the making.....or at least that is what Dad is hoping for!

Group picture with Gabe!

Another group picture....

And another one....had to include them all since each is a little different!
Dad with Abigail and Grandma/Grandpa Lindsey and Great Grandma/Grandpa Kretche!

Great Grandma and Grandpa Kretche and Abigail! (and her wagon again!)

Jamie, Abigail, Grandpa and Grandma Kretche

Koda helping Abigail open presents!


Working together as a team!

Busy Busy Busy!

Playing with her Tiara and Princess Jewelry

Messy Cupcake & Fingers!


Miss Bashful for pictures!

Quick family shot!

A little hesitant at first

Licking the fros

Checking out her cake!

Blowing out candles!

Singing Happy Birthday!

Trying her Magic Trick....don't worry, we stopped her!

Her Cake....super adorable!

Yep, this was my view on the drive to Wonewoc....New Car and the dog gets the front seat.
Good thing I love him!  

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