Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July weekend

We had a wonderful weekend. ...lots of family and relaxing!  

Abigail,  my mom and I went over to the carnival that the city has.  Abigail rode a few rides all by herself which is huge!  She also played the pick a duck games and won some prizes!  Finished that night off with a relaxing dinner and some playing in the backyard with my parents and  Beaker.

Saturday,  Jamie came up to visit and we did a ton of playing outside.   It was nice to have her around and Abby kept her on her toes!  Had a fire and relaxed in the backyard after Abby went to bed.  Fun times!

Overall a great weekend. ...now onto another week!

The dress and boots picture is what she chose to wear for a walk!

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