Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The start of life with a 3 year old

Life as a 3 year old has been pretty fun so far for Abigail.   She loved celebrating her birthday and of course loved her birthday treats!

Last week Abigail's daycare made an end of summer trip to the Henry Vilas  Zoo in Madison.  My mom and I drove down to spend the day with her and Aunt Jamie met us there.  She was very happy to have us there and loved seeing all the animals.   After lunch she got to play on the playground which is always a good time! 

The weekend of her birthday party Matt's family stayed at our house.  Abby enjoyed having them here and playing with everyone.   

As summer draws to an end, we will get back into the school routine in our house.  The fun will not stop though.   Between Abigail and the pups, we will have a blast as we enjoy being outside and playing! 

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