Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 16, 2015

To Abigail on your 3rd Birthday....

Abigail, as I laid you down to sleep tonight, I kissed my two year old for the last time.  Tomorrow morning when you wake up you will be my 3 year old!  How does that happen?  You will still be that vivacious little nut, but now you will be a year old!   I never understood the saying about "time goes by so fast," but now you are living proof of it!

Your dad and I are so blessed to have you in our lives.  Yes, you make us frustrated, mad, and upset - but deep down we love every little thing about you and what you bring to our lives.  We have never laughed so much, cried so much, and enjoyed life this much before you!

The past year was yet another whirlwind!  You continue to be independent, except when you are DIZZY!  We love the fact that you are a strong-willed child and we are learning to live with you and that willpower!  You have gone from a toddler to a "big girl" in just a matter of 12 months.

You love your friends and teachers at school.  This makes us so happy to know that you are having a great time everyday while we are off "making the big bucks" so that we can take you to the store to buy chap-stick!  You are learning so much that we can't keep up!  You are a sponge who soaks up every little smell, sound, and sight!

You have become quite the backseat driver!   We love that you have stopped hating car rides and we love that you tell us when to stop or go at the traffic lights!   Funny that you learn to love the car at the same time that Grandma and Papa move up here and now are only 7 minutes away!  Ugh, typical Abigail fashion!

Abigail - you and dogs.....the love is something that can't be contained in words.  Since we have now added Watson to our family, this love is beyond overflowing!   My heart melts when you talk about your puppies and take care of them!

I love the conversations that we have now (especially since I can understand them!).  You are so creative and funny!   Almost all the time, a story comes with either a dance or some great facial expressions!   Know that during these times, my face is not the only thing smiling - my heart smiles too!

As we enter into the world of having a 3 year old - remember that I love every bit of your crazy, uncontrollable, wild self!   Yes, sometimes you are too much for me to handle, but those are the times that you are making me a better person.  I am growing right along with you....we will survive (or at least fail together!).  Parenting is so hard yet so wonderful! 

Let's make this next year better than last year!  I vow to you that we will smile more, play more, laugh more, and love more!   We will adjust to all the changes in our lives together and we will grow as a family.  You will be my sidekick as we go shopping, to the park, on field trips, and everywhere else our crazy life takes us!

I can't express how much I love you and I hope you know that dad and I are beyond blessed to have you in our lives.  So, here is to the big 3!   Let's celebrate and enjoy this insane ride!  

Here is a victory dance on turning 3 years old.....I AM THE WINNER, I AM THE WINNER, I AM THE WINNER!

Love you to the moon and back.....


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