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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Puppy Picture Time

Yes I know this is a blog about Abigail, but wanted to include some pictures of Watson  (and Koda).   Abigail has fallen in love with her puppies and it has helped her learn some responsibility and maybe a little patience  (my goal for her for 2015!).

Ysa having a puppy, a rather demanding older dog, a full time job,  a husband, and a house and a million other things to juggle is not easy.  I will be the first to admit that we haven't laughed this much in so long.  Little Watson has been the best addition to our family.   One wise person once told me that dogs are the best therapy for crazy families. ....110% agree with that.  I know we hesitated to bring Watson into our family, but we can't imagine life without him!

The newest thing with Watson and Abby is that they love sleeping together....oh yeah, I get to join them all in a twin bed!  Oh well, soon enough those days of her wanting me will be over. 

So now to the springer cuteness. ...  enjoy!

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