Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Grampa's Farm

This is the 3rd year now that we have been able to take the short drive north to Grampas Farm.   Abigail was so excited to go and as soon as we pulled in she was ready to go!

Abby wanted to ride the hordes right away, but wanted mom along.  Once we were on Star the horse, she was loving every second! 

The petting zoo area was a hit again this year.  That little girl has zero fear of any animals.  She was petting and touching them all.  She also loved talking to them all. So adorable! 

This year she was a lot more confident and that was great to see.  She played dress up and sat in the desks in the little school.   She loved looking around the old time kitchen and riding the tractor out to the pumpkin patch!  She picked a nice pumpkin this year but she sure analyzed all the others before making that decision.   

Overall another wonderful day for our family!
And yes, she got Cheetos there too!

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