Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Yes I know most of these are dog pictures,  but they are such a big piece of our crazy lives!

I would like to tell you that the last 2 pictures are of the new family members that we picked up, but I am not quite that crazy!  
The pictures of the 4 dogs all together is actually a picture of Watson's mom, dad, uncle and Watson!    Abigail and I took Watson to my cousins house to visit.  Watson did great with all the adult dogs, it was so much fun to see.  Abigail is still in love with Josie the mom, but her heart also melts for Rudy and Cooper too!  That kid is obsessed. .... okay so this mom is too!  Overall that was a wonderful night and I was able to have 2 very tired kids!

I think the rest speak for themselves! 

Enjoy a glimpse into the nut house that we call home! 

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