Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 2, 2017


December was filled with fun and preparations for Christmas and a visit from Santa.   Abigail really enjoyed all the decorations and activities! 

We were able to spend lots of time together  (including Matt!) this month.   From a girls day to see the Nutcracker,  to science experiments with dad,  to family time in the snow....this was a wonderful month!

A cup of hot chocolate! 
A little fun with Watson 
Koda looking handsome in a beard
A snuggly weekend morning! 
Meeting Krysta and Russ's new little girl,  Harper 
The Advent Calendar,  a fun way to count down to Christmas!   A tradition that I remember as a kid.
The Wausau holiday parade with Papa.
The adventures of eating in this house 
A little attitude from this one....
A girl's afternoon with grandma at The Nutcracker 
Making cookies
Messy and fun
Science with dad
CRAZY Watson 
Big Love 
CHEERS!  The girls decorating cookies!

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