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Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas 2016

Christmas with a 4 year old and two easily excitable dogs make for chaos.  We would not want it any other way!

This year the anticipation was high and the excitement was through the roof on Christmas morning.   

Early in the month we traveled to Matt's family to cele8.  It is always nice to visit and relax.  There was a bunch of fresh snow that weekend so we got to enjoy that on top of it all!

We celebrated at our house on Christmas morning.    The first present Abby wanted to open was for Koda and Watson,   how sweet is that?  She loved her bean bag chair and her Playmobil dog park set.   Later that day we got to celebrate with my parents.    The fun was again experienced with handmade gifts and yummy food!

Overall it was a fun and memorable holiday!

Playing with the dollhouse at the far away grandma and papa's house 

Of course Watsonhad to be in the action 
Playing in the snow while we waited for the Wonewoc holiday parade 
Koda sleeping on the way home
So tired 
Christmas morning 

A girl and her pups
Busy playing 
Everyone helping dad
Dog park playing 
Matt playing with one of his new toys
Just a girl and her papa
Covers so we don't freeze when we take the pups out....we may look silly but we will be warm
All 3 pups
The Christmas things is hard for these boys
Building her nativity set

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