Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, February 24, 2017

Pictures from January and February

Another busy 2 months here at our house.  We have been busy with basketball and winter.  Abigail has really enjoyed the basketball games this year, it has been a fun season to experience with her. 

Abby continues to love 4k and is learning so many fun and new things.   Her trip to the planetarium has shown her some amazing facts that she has shared with all of us!

We had Matt's parents and brother and sister up and that was a very fun time.  I think Abigail's energy and none stop talking surprised them all!

Well, need to keep this short since it is late so enjoy the pictures. ....

Getting ready for the game...
Just a girl and her dogs
Her valentine's day treat, and yes, I made her write her name on all of them!
Adorable in her new dress
Showing grandma and papa downtown Wausau 
A little attitude at Bull Falls
The love that this girl has for this barking machine....

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