Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

I know it is late in the day, but we just got home and semi-unpacked from our weekend down by Matt's parents.  We had a good time, relaxing, playing with Abigail, and of course some shopping in the Dells at the outlet mall!  Abigail was great all weekend - she is such a great little girl.

One exciting thing we noticed on Saturday while at lunch, one of her bottom teeth is coming through!!!  She has not been fussy or crabby, just a little more drool and chewing on things than normal!  We knew they were coming since she has two bumps on her bottom gum line, but I guess it is really starting.

Well, here are some pictures from Abigail's first Easter!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and holiday with their family and friends!

Abigail in her bunny hat!

She wouldn't leave the dress alone!!

Great Grandpa Kretche and Abigail

Great Grandma and Grandpa Kretche with Abigail

Mom, Dad and Abigail

Grandma and Grandpa Lindsey with Abby

Such a pretty dress!

The back of her Easter dress

Playing with her toys!!

Hey....I am busy playing!!

4 Generations.....with one sleepy baby!

Playing with dad!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This weekend has been very good so far....Matt is gone at a basketball tournament and Abigail, Koda and I are at home.  The weather has warmed up a tiny bit so we ventured over to Marathon Park for a walk on Saturday morning.  Abigail must have loved it since she "talked" the entire time!!!  I know Koda loved it and it was great to get out and get some fresh air.

Abigail and I have been able to spend some much needed "mommy and me" time this weekend - which has been wonderful!  I feel like our nights during the week are so short, so this is some much needed "girl-time!"

Here are some pictures from this weekend....


Spending time with daddy

Loving the Doritos,,,,just like mom!


Playing in her crib

Being crazy!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pictures of Miss Abigail

Hope you all had a good week - it was a good week at our house.  Looking forward to the weekend just for the fact of no work - not sure what is planned or going on, but I am sure Abigail and I will fill it up and have a good time!

Enjoy some pictures of our little girl from this week - she is such a crazy little nut!!!

Playing in the diaper box!

Oh - Mom, you caught me in the box!!

Such a happy girl!!

Caitlyn - do you like my shirt??

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Today Abigail is 7 months old!  Wow, hard to believe but she is such a fun little girl.  She loves to make noises, look around, play with toys and pick up everything (dog toys, silverware, garbage, paper, etc).  

Abigail and I just had the best few days (Wednesday - today) - my mom came into town to help me celebrate my 30th birthday, attend my cousin Krysta's baby shower, and keep me company while Matt was running a state-wide science teachers conference.  We sure know how to pack lots of fun things into a few days and make the most of our time together!   It was nice to have a "girls" weekend/time and it was great for her to spend this many days with Abigail.  We went out to eat, shopping and lots of playing!!  I can't say Thank You enough to her for coming up and spending these days with us - it was great fun and a much needed break from my daily routines.  THANK YOU MOM/GRANDMA!!!  This coming week is going to be rather quiet and boring at our house compared to how the last few days were.  Abigail will miss both grandma and the dogs (she really LOVES Beaker).  

Hope you all had a good weekend and have a good week ahead.  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Growing and Playing

Abigail is now almost 7 months old and growing so fast.  She loves to play with her toys and stand as much as possible.  She makes lots of noises and squeals now.  Daycare is still going great.

As St. Patrick's Day approaches, below are some pictures of her in one of her outfits for this holiday.  Sorry I haven't taken more pictures lately, but super busy and still trying to get Abigail over yet another cold.

Hope you all had a good weekend and have a good week!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I know I have not kept up super great on the blog lately, but with all the different birthday posts and yet another cold for both Abigail and I - we were just focused on us and getting through each day.  Abigail still has a runny and congested nose and a cough in the morning - but it doesn't seem to bother her much.  She is such a fun little girl right now - smiling and laughing and playing all the time.

Below are some pictures from the last week or so....hope you all have a good week!
Relaxing after a bath!

So Happy!

My love!


Too adorable

Jumping around and being crazy

Loving the bubbles

Playing in the tub

Loving the measuring cup!!