Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

I know it is late in the day, but we just got home and semi-unpacked from our weekend down by Matt's parents.  We had a good time, relaxing, playing with Abigail, and of course some shopping in the Dells at the outlet mall!  Abigail was great all weekend - she is such a great little girl.

One exciting thing we noticed on Saturday while at lunch, one of her bottom teeth is coming through!!!  She has not been fussy or crabby, just a little more drool and chewing on things than normal!  We knew they were coming since she has two bumps on her bottom gum line, but I guess it is really starting.

Well, here are some pictures from Abigail's first Easter!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and holiday with their family and friends!

Abigail in her bunny hat!

She wouldn't leave the dress alone!!

Great Grandpa Kretche and Abigail

Great Grandma and Grandpa Kretche with Abigail

Mom, Dad and Abigail

Grandma and Grandpa Lindsey with Abby

Such a pretty dress!

The back of her Easter dress

Playing with her toys!!

Hey....I am busy playing!!

4 Generations.....with one sleepy baby!

Playing with dad!

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