Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This weekend has been very good so far....Matt is gone at a basketball tournament and Abigail, Koda and I are at home.  The weather has warmed up a tiny bit so we ventured over to Marathon Park for a walk on Saturday morning.  Abigail must have loved it since she "talked" the entire time!!!  I know Koda loved it and it was great to get out and get some fresh air.

Abigail and I have been able to spend some much needed "mommy and me" time this weekend - which has been wonderful!  I feel like our nights during the week are so short, so this is some much needed "girl-time!"

Here are some pictures from this weekend....


Spending time with daddy

Loving the Doritos,,,,just like mom!


Playing in her crib

Being crazy!

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