Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Today Abigail is 7 months old!  Wow, hard to believe but she is such a fun little girl.  She loves to make noises, look around, play with toys and pick up everything (dog toys, silverware, garbage, paper, etc).  

Abigail and I just had the best few days (Wednesday - today) - my mom came into town to help me celebrate my 30th birthday, attend my cousin Krysta's baby shower, and keep me company while Matt was running a state-wide science teachers conference.  We sure know how to pack lots of fun things into a few days and make the most of our time together!   It was nice to have a "girls" weekend/time and it was great for her to spend this many days with Abigail.  We went out to eat, shopping and lots of playing!!  I can't say Thank You enough to her for coming up and spending these days with us - it was great fun and a much needed break from my daily routines.  THANK YOU MOM/GRANDMA!!!  This coming week is going to be rather quiet and boring at our house compared to how the last few days were.  Abigail will miss both grandma and the dogs (she really LOVES Beaker).  

Hope you all had a good weekend and have a good week ahead.  

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