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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Abigail and Koda

I think there is an old saying about a "boy and his dog", but I beg to differ!  I think it should be about a "girl and her dog!"  Abigail LOVES Koda and I have to say that the feeling is mutual.  Koda may have been unsure of this little girl at first, but he has grown to love her. Yes, she is rough with him sometimes, but in the end, they are always together.  I couldn't ask for a better dog and friend for my little girl!

Below are some pictures from Sunday afternoon.  We were messing around in the backyard and I just so happened to have my camera.  Enjoy!!

Abigail being sassy and stealing Koda's tennis ball.

Abigail throwing the ball to Koda while he waits patiently.  I love her face!!!

A close up of our crazy boy!

This may look bad, but Koda is incredibly gentle with Abigail.
No worries, no little girls were injured during this photo session!
Abigail just laughs and laughs after Koda takes the ball back.

Abigail "sharing" the ball with Koda.

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