Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fun Times

Another weekend has come and gone....but it was another good one!  My parents were in town so that my dad could golf with Matt in an outing and my mom could visit with us girls!  My mom, Abigail and I met up with my Aunt Jan, Kelly, her two kids (Caitlyn and Ian) and Krysta and her little daughter Ireland and went to the Marshfield Zoo.  The weather was not what we were planning for, but it sure was a good time.  It is always nice to get to visit with everyone and let the kids be together.

Abigail is still crawling like a maniac - she sure loved racing down the hallway with my dad.  It was super cute!  She still LOVES Beaker - and he is pretty good with her pulling his fur and grabbing his feet and tail!

Overall, another great weekend.  Hope you all had a great one too and a good week!

Grandma and Abigail

Playing with Grandpa in the hallway!

She loves her Grandpa!!



More playing with grandpa

Grandpa is my new jungle gym

Chasing the ball....just like Koda

Playing at the park

Ian on the Teeter-Totter.

Abigail and Caitlyn

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