Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 16, 2013

A letter to my daughter....

Since I am not the scrapbooking, memory book type - I wanted to write Abigail a letter to celebrate and look back at her first year.  With technology and such - this was the easiest way for me to put this down to save for her.  Plus, this blog has kind of become a memory holder for our family.  So here it goes....

My Sweet Abigail Rory,

Tomorrow you turn ONE!!!   Over the last few days, I have been thinking a lot about the year - what a crazy, beautiful whirlwind it has been!   How you've grown from a helpless little bundle in my arms, to a willfull, vivacious little nut who has opened my eyes to all the wonders of this world.

I LOVE YOU!  I love who you are becoming at just 12 months of age.  You have such a thirst for life, crazy sense of humor, and overflowing compassion - You amaze me everyday.  You are everything I could have imagined you would be a year ago and so much more.

Tomorrow we will celebrate of year of YOU!  We celebrate the fact that we not only survived it, but somehow loved every moment of it!  I would not be the mother/person that I am without the sleepless nights and tears.  You would not be my beautiful girl without the smiles, giggles, screams and attitude.  Truth is, Abigail, you make me better: more loving, more patient (a work in progress), more generous.  I did not expect that while teaching you the little lessons in life - you would be teaching me to be a better person!   I am honored to be your mom and I will forever cheer you on as you both dance and stumble through life!

I love that you laugh to yourself randomly, knowing that you must have some devious and brilliant plan in that little head of yours.

I love the fact that 365 days ago - you fit perfectly in my arms and now - you fit perfectly in my lap.

I love your crazy, untamable hair - it reflects your character and wildside.  (Plus this might be the only physical trait that you and I have in common!)

I love that you love animals - both stuffed and real.  Your love for dogs (especially Koda) just melts my heart.  With that one exception of the baby chick throwing incident - I do believe that you love all animals!!!

I love that light in your eyes and pep in your body when music comes on!  (I can't wait for the day when I can take you to your first concert and share that experience with you!)

One of the hardest things about being your mom is knowing that I can't always protect you.  You will experience pain in this life and it kills me.  I wish I could stand in the way of this, but it is part of life and I believe that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.  But I can promise you this:  I will always tell the truth, I will always listen, I will always put your life before mine, I will always laugh with you, cry with you, and support you in whoever you choose to be.  I will always be your biggest fan!

I pray that you never lose your confidence. 
I pray that you will continue to thirst for life, try new things, make new friends, scrape your knees and get back up. 
I pray that fear only protects you, never inhibits you.

I pray that you will be wise and defend the good in life.
I pray that you will celebrate accomplishments and continue to strive to be better.
I pray that you will let yourself fall in love with many things, places and people.

You are amazing Abigail.  You are here for a reason - I believe this with all my heart.  I am the luckiest mom in the world - I get to hold you in my arms and kiss you every day.  I promise I will not take a day for granted.

You are a treasure - I am so proud, blessed and astounded at the little person you are becoming!

So, in honor of your 1st birthday - lets lift our sippy cup or Camelback bottle and CELEBRATE!!!  One year down and many more adventurous  crazy years ahead!   Dad and I are so excited to see what life has in store for us!  With you as our daughter, we better hold on tight - it is going to be a fun, crazy and exciting ride!

Happy Birthday, my brave, wild, nutty, crazy, fun-loving daughter!
I love you beyond words!

Love always,

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