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Monday, August 5, 2013

Wonewoc Vacation

We are now home from our extended weekend down at Matt's parents house.  It sure was a relaxing time for all of us.  We all had a great time - it was great to relax and get together.

Abigail is in LOVE with Gabe, Matt's parents golden retriever.  She loves to hug him and snuggle up with him - it was so cute!!

One thing that Abigail learned to do while we were there is climb the stairs!!!  Yeah, it was cute but wow, not sure if we were ready for it or expecting it!  Oh well, our little nut is growing up.

Below are some pictures from this past weekend!

Matt, Great Grandma and Abigail

Swinging at the Park!!!

Snuggling with Gabe

Abigail and her buddy Gabe

Probably doing something sassy

Sassy girl

A little attached to mom

Mom, Abigail and Aunt Jamie

Kisses from Aunt Jamie

Great Grandma and Abigail

More swinging

Loving every second

Just went down the slide with mom

Trying to climb up the slide

"Boating" with Grandpa in the driveway

Ending the night with a boat ride (& beer) with grandpa

Grandpa Time

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