Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 19, 2013

Abigail's First Birthday

On Saturday we celebrated Abigail's first birthday!   It was just family at our house, but it was a great time.  Our little nut LOVED everything.  She sat through all the presents and seemed to love all of her presents.  One thing she really loved was her smash cake that her aunt Kelly made her.  I guess she likes frosting...just another trait that is not from me!

Overall it was a great celebration for a great little girl!
Thanks for everyone for coming and helping us celebrate with our little girl!

Below are some pictures from that day!  She has enjoyed playing with all her new toys since that day - our house sure shows it!!

Our happy family....with Abby's new stuffed Springer Spaniel toy!

Not sure what to do with this whole cake!!

Getting brave....

Starting to try it!

Are you sure I can eat this!?!?!


Not quite sure why EVERYONE was watching her...

The aftermath!!

This little girl seems to really like presents!!

Loving every gift....even if they were in boxes!


Ripping paper...and Koda waiting to eat it!

Tissue Paper is FUN

The Happy Birthday Girl!

Giving her new doll a hug!

Caitlyn showing Abigail how her new toy works!

Riding on her new bouncy horse...Charlie

Loving her new toy

A very serious rider!

Checking out the picture memory book with mom!

First ride in her new car!

First rocking horse ride!

Being sassy!

Playing with Caitlyn

Abigail, Caitlyn and Grace

The girls just playing together!

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