Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 9, 2017

5th Birthday!

This may be a few weeks late but wanted to document Abigail's 5th Birthday Party.  

Abigail wanted a small gathering and that is what she got.   She chose tacos for lunch and Matt smoked us some pulled pork and ribs for dinner.

Our little girl is super a lucky and loved child.   She enjoyed her day very much and loved having all her family around to play with her.

Her cake was her request.....a Space Needle!   Was rather funny to order this from 2510,   I told them that I wanted it to say Happy 5th Birthday Abigail and include a picture of the space needle.   The lady asked if it was a 50th birthday,  I told her no, 5th Birthday.    She laughed and said that this is a first.   Love that Abigail is her own person.

Gifts were another hit as you would expect.   Legos, playmobil, a bike and clothes made her a happy girl. 

Overall a successful and fun day to celebrate our 5 year old!

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