Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Family Night and some extras

This past week Abigail's school held a family night.   Our little girl was so excited that we were counting down the days to the big night.   

As soon as we parked she had to lead and show us the way.    She had to say hi to so many people,  both teachers and friends!   It was such a wonderful feeling to know that so many people know and care about our little nut.  

After dinner in her lunchroom and meeting a few more of her friends,  we headed out to do a Home Depot project.   Of all the options, she chose a bug house.   She did a great job with building it and had a good time.   

After we were done building we went to the library since it was raining out.  She was so excited to show us where the state books are!    We played some games and then called it a night.

It was so wonderful to see Abigail so confident and happy to be at school. 

The weekend Big A joined us so of course this house was wild!   Abigail was so happy on Friday when he got here,  she was talking a mile a minute!  

Also attached are some other pictures from this past week.....trying to keep this blog updated better!

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