Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Grampas Farm

We continued our annual tradition of going to Grampas Farm in Merrill.   This year was super hot and humid....85 degrees at 10am!   We handled it well and loved the time together. 

It was wonderful to see Abigail conquer all of the activities this year.   We have seen her grow each year and this year was the best one yet.

This year she loved rolling in a giant tire like a hampster.   It was fun to see her enjoying herself.

Her love of ALL animals was very evident as she wanted to hold and touch them all.  After a bumpy ride out to the pumpkin patch, we picked the perfect one and headed home. 

It may have been hot and we may have been sweaty,  but it sure was fun. 

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