Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Messy Face

Abigail is a great eater!  She usually makes noise the entire time she is eating and seems to like most foods.

Below are some pictures of what happens when she eats baked beans and her new favorite, manicotti!

Have a good week!

Baked Beans!

Loving her food!

Just a little on the face!

First time having manicotti!

I think she LOVED it!

Yep, she loved it!

Funny face

Cheers to a good meal....and a messy face!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vacation....Part 3

Ok, final part of the vacation.  On Tuesday morning we took our little nut to the Milwaukee Zoo.  She was very excited to see the animals...especially the ones that were moving.  She really loves to watch....people, animals, anything that moves.  She did great and even took a snooze after lunch in her stroller.

It was fun to see the zoo again, it brings back memories from when I went there when I was young.  I am glad that Abigail seems to enjoy things like this.....I can see many zoo trips in my future!!!

So, after a jam packed few days - we ventured home on Wednesday morning and resumed normal life again.  No worries, in a week and a half, we will be back in the car to travel to Matt's parents house for an extended weekend of fun and relaxing!  Wow, nothing like jamming lots of fun into the last few weeks of summer.

Below are some pictures from the zoo.  Enjoy!!

Trying to touch the Lionfish

Looking at the Pink Flamingos!!

Enjoying the zoo....and Abby snoozing!!

Grandpa and Grandma and a sleeping Abby!!
Giraffe trying to eat some leaves!
Very awesome!!

Vacation .... Part 2

 On Monday we drove down and met up with Matt's parents in Milwaukee.  It sure was great to see them again and for Abigail to hang out with them.

We stayed at a hotel so we were able to take Abigail in the pool.  She seemed hesitant at first, but then really enjoyed it!

Monday night we took Abigail to her first Brewer's game.  After a 45 minute nap at the start of the game, Abigail enjoyed watching the lights and listening to the music.  One thing that she LOVED was a big pretzel...see below for pictures!

It was a late night....but it was fun and another first for Abigail!!!

Below are some pictures from the hotel and the game....

First Brewer's Game!!

Napping on Grandma

Pretzel Time


Having fun at the game with Dad!

Mommy and Abigail

Family Picture at the ballpark!

Sassy little girl in the hotel!!
Amazing how fun a roll of toilet paper can be!

All gone!!

Don't worry, we stopped her before she unrolled the other roll!

Standing by the A/C
Playing by the A/C and window
Enjoying the wind in her hair!
Ready to head to the pool in my swimsuit
Cute in her suit!

Vacation....Part 1

I am going to break our vacation into a few posts rather than make one huge one.

We spent the weekend at my parents house and enjoyed our time like always.  Matt got to golf again with my dad and Abigail and I spent time with my mom.  Koda was at Tom's so it was different, but it was a good time.

We went to the NEW Zoo in Green Bay.  Abigail loved to watch the peacocks that were all over the zoo and seemed to enjoy watching everything.  We spent some time in Green Bay doing some shopping and had a great time.

Abigail and Beaker were able to spend some quality time together - which is good for both.  They seem to both really love each other....too cute!  The weather was great on Saturday and Sunday so we were able to take some really nice walks too!

Overall it was a very relaxing time for us and a great way to start our little vacation.
Of course, I forgot to take pictures!!  I know, Bad Mom!!!

Watch the next post for Part 2 and pictures of our adventures!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

11 Months Old

Today our little nut is 11 months old....one more month to go until the BIG First Birthday!!

She continues to be a crazy and fun little girl...she makes us laugh all day and night!

Tonight she took a sucker out of my mouth and immediately put it in hers.  When we took it away, she cried!!!  Guess I will have to eat those when she is not around!

Here she is enjoying my sucker!!   Have a good night!

Enjoying my sucker after a walk in the heat!!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

The happenings of the Lindsey family...

Well, I think we have recovered from the 4th of July weekend now and are already gearing up for our next little vacation in less that one week.  Abigail is such a crazy little nut right now - it is so fun.  She is super fast crawling and now pulls up on EVERYTHING!!  Even things that are not stable, but she is getting good at falling on her cute butt!!

We are working on trim right now for the basement - this should be the second to last set of boards for me to stain and varnish.  I am happy to report that I will not be sad that this "hobby" of mine is almost done.  I have to admit though, I do a pretty good job!

On Friday we are off to visit and have a mini vacation at my parents house.  Going to go to the NEW Zoo in Green Bay and just relax with them.  Then on Monday we will head to Milwaukee to meet up with Matt's parents for a Brewer's game and some fun with them!   This will be Abigail's first baseball game, so it should be fun.  I can't wait to see what she thinks of a big soft pretzel!!!

Hope all is well with everyone.  Enjoy some new pictures of our crazy nut!!!

Playing in the pots and pans!!

"Helping" mom with dinner!!


Abigail, Grandpa, and Beaker - her two best boys!!
She LOVES her grandpa and LOVES Beaker!!!!

Crawling away!!

Abigail's buddy...BEAKER

Just looking out the window!!!

Just checking out the front yard!!!


Sorry, but this is not a fun and happy post, but rather a sad one.  I want to document this since this is kind of my "memory book" and maybe one day Abigail will go back and read about when she was little.

On Sunday, July 7th, Sparky - the family's beloved sheltie passed away.  He was almost 15 and was sick.  It was not an easy day for anyone, but now he is in a better place....probably getting loved up by my grandma and grandpa!

He was such a great dog, fun loving, and crazy.  We had him at our house for a few months while my parents got their kitchen redone - during that time, Matt really bonded with him.  They were buds!

Sparky will be missed, but not forgotten.  He was our little "Pissopotamus!!"

Below are some pictures I found of Sparky - he was such a handsome guy!!!

Andrew's Graduation Celebration

Over the weekend of the 4th of July, my entire family got together to celebrate Andrew's college graduation from UW-LaCrosse.  It sure is a rare occasion that we are all together!   My parents are now the proud parents of 3 college graduates!   Way to go Andrew - we are proud of you!  

Below are some pictures from our time together...
Scott, Sarah, Grace, Matt, Alyssa, & Abigail

The Bennett Kids!!!  All College Graduates!
Scott, Sarah, Grace, Matt, Abigail, Alyssa, Andrew, & Erin

Abigail playing with Grandma's necklace!

The Bennett Family all together!!!
The little girls must be chatting about something!!!

Just grandma and Abby!

All dressed up!

Party Dress!!!

Spending time with grandpa....wonder if he is talking to her about golf!?!?!