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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vacation....Part 1

I am going to break our vacation into a few posts rather than make one huge one.

We spent the weekend at my parents house and enjoyed our time like always.  Matt got to golf again with my dad and Abigail and I spent time with my mom.  Koda was at Tom's so it was different, but it was a good time.

We went to the NEW Zoo in Green Bay.  Abigail loved to watch the peacocks that were all over the zoo and seemed to enjoy watching everything.  We spent some time in Green Bay doing some shopping and had a great time.

Abigail and Beaker were able to spend some quality time together - which is good for both.  They seem to both really love each other....too cute!  The weather was great on Saturday and Sunday so we were able to take some really nice walks too!

Overall it was a very relaxing time for us and a great way to start our little vacation.
Of course, I forgot to take pictures!!  I know, Bad Mom!!!

Watch the next post for Part 2 and pictures of our adventures!

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