Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vacation .... Part 2

 On Monday we drove down and met up with Matt's parents in Milwaukee.  It sure was great to see them again and for Abigail to hang out with them.

We stayed at a hotel so we were able to take Abigail in the pool.  She seemed hesitant at first, but then really enjoyed it!

Monday night we took Abigail to her first Brewer's game.  After a 45 minute nap at the start of the game, Abigail enjoyed watching the lights and listening to the music.  One thing that she LOVED was a big pretzel...see below for pictures!

It was a late night....but it was fun and another first for Abigail!!!

Below are some pictures from the hotel and the game....

First Brewer's Game!!

Napping on Grandma

Pretzel Time


Having fun at the game with Dad!

Mommy and Abigail

Family Picture at the ballpark!

Sassy little girl in the hotel!!
Amazing how fun a roll of toilet paper can be!

All gone!!

Don't worry, we stopped her before she unrolled the other roll!

Standing by the A/C
Playing by the A/C and window
Enjoying the wind in her hair!
Ready to head to the pool in my swimsuit
Cute in her suit!

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