Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The happenings of the Lindsey family...

Well, I think we have recovered from the 4th of July weekend now and are already gearing up for our next little vacation in less that one week.  Abigail is such a crazy little nut right now - it is so fun.  She is super fast crawling and now pulls up on EVERYTHING!!  Even things that are not stable, but she is getting good at falling on her cute butt!!

We are working on trim right now for the basement - this should be the second to last set of boards for me to stain and varnish.  I am happy to report that I will not be sad that this "hobby" of mine is almost done.  I have to admit though, I do a pretty good job!

On Friday we are off to visit and have a mini vacation at my parents house.  Going to go to the NEW Zoo in Green Bay and just relax with them.  Then on Monday we will head to Milwaukee to meet up with Matt's parents for a Brewer's game and some fun with them!   This will be Abigail's first baseball game, so it should be fun.  I can't wait to see what she thinks of a big soft pretzel!!!

Hope all is well with everyone.  Enjoy some new pictures of our crazy nut!!!

Playing in the pots and pans!!

"Helping" mom with dinner!!


Abigail, Grandpa, and Beaker - her two best boys!!
She LOVES her grandpa and LOVES Beaker!!!!

Crawling away!!

Abigail's buddy...BEAKER

Just looking out the window!!!

Just checking out the front yard!!!

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