Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baby Showers

Taking a little step back now to fill you in on the wonderful baby showers that were held in honor of baby girl Lindsey.

In early June, my sister-in-law and mother-in-law held a baby shower at their home in Wonewoc.  It was a beautiful day to sit out on the deck and celebrate.  The food was superb, the punch was so creative, and the guests were fun to spend time with.  Jamie (sis-in-law) made an amazing diaper cake - so cute.  The games were very creative and not the normal baby shower games.  We even managed to fit in a movie and a trip to the Tanger Mall in WI Dells too - such a great way to relax and enjoy our time in that area (plus a great excuse to go shopping!). Overall it was a great weekend of fun and relaxation and one full vehicle of pink/purple stuff for baby girl!

The last weekend in June, my mom and sister-in-law (Sarah) hosted a baby shower at the Lighthouse Inn in Two Rivers (for those of you who don't know, it overlooks Lake Michigan - amazing views).  The food was great, decorations and table favors were perfect, and overall a great representation of things I would choose for myself.  The games were once again non-traditional and the "Wishes for Baby" were a nice keepsake to read to our daughter as she grows older.  The highlight of this shower was definately the dessert (that says a lot from someone who doesn't really like dessert!) - handmade baby-shaped item cookies with frosting and handmade truffles from a local bakery.  The cookies were AMAZING and according to others, the truffles were the same!  Once again, Matt and I left my parents home relaxed and fully loaded with more gifts for baby girl!

I can't express my thanks for the moms/grandmas and my sister-in-laws for all their work/effort/thought that was put into these celebrations.  This baby girl sure has some great women to look up to!!

The gifts we received will all be put to great use and many of them will be cherished for years and years.  Just looking at all the gifts makes me so excited to meet our little girl and snuggle, read, and spend time with her!

The only remnants left of the showers are the stacks of gifts in her room - which will be taken care of shortly!  Then her room can start taking shape!

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